
Front End Web Developer / Beard Grower / Woodworker

Who is this guy?

Over 10 years of web development, 1 year of woodworking, and 15 years of beard-growing.

Hello. My name is Kristian. I love bacon, hockey, woodworking and making things on the internet. To me, web development is not a job or a career, it’s a passion. Ever since I coded my first html tag I’ve been constantly learning and I don’t believe I’ll ever stop..nor do I want to.

To prove my point about constantly learning, this site is built with Jekyll, which up until now I’ve never used. This site is a constant work-in-progress so keep checking back…but it’s pretty slick already, right?!

I hope you enjoy my work.

Looking for my CV? It’s right here!


A selection of things I’m good at, on a scale of 1 to 5 beards.

HTML/CSS/Sass/Less, Grunt/Gulp, Responsive Development, Foundation 6, Bootstrap 3, Wordpress Development

that's a full beard! that's a full beard! that's a full beard! that's a full beard! half-beard icon

Javascript/jQuery, PHP, Adobe CC Suite, Shopify API, SquareSpace Development

that's a full beard! that's a full beard! that's a full beard! half-beard icon

Jekyll, Liquid, Handlebars

that's a full beard! that's a full beard! that's a full beard!

Angular, React, Swift (iOS), NodeJS

that's a full beard! half-beard icon

Love of Internet Explorer

Not a big fan of IE
(rating too low for a beard)
Who is that handsome bearded man!?

Comments, questions, inquiries, beard tips?
Get in touch with Kristian!

morse code : — · — · — · · · · · · — · · · — — ·